Technology- Student Policy

Student Network Account

Each student is issued a personal ID number. This student ID will also serve as the student's network login. Each student is required to create a unique password to log onto the High School's network. Students are not to share their passwords with anyone. It is the responsibility of the student to remember their network ID number and password and to keep this information private.

If the student's network account does not work, students are to contact the School Technology Coordinator.

Students should use MBOE issued email ( while using the school's network. To transfer data from home to school computers, student should use their Google Drive account as a part of the Google Apps.

Montclair Public Schools has adopted an Internet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). This policy is posted in all classrooms, all computer labs, and the Library/Media Center. Students are expected to know and comply with the guidelines set forth in the AUP.

The use of school computers is a privilege. Students are required to follow the guidelines of the district and the high school. If a student abuses this privilege, the Network Administrator has the right to inspect and/or removed files from a student's folder and the student faces the possibility of losing privileges to computers and the network. Examples of inappropriate use shall include, but are not limited to; installation of programs, use or attempts to use proxy avoidance websites, use or attempts to access social networking sites, playing video games, viewing pornographic images, playing music videos, or playing videos with violent content. The Network Administrator may close an account at any time as required. The administration, faculty and staff of Montclair Public School District may request the Network Administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user access.

School administration may enact the following consequences to a student who violate this policy:

First Offense: Parent/Caregiver Notification.

Second Offense: One (1) day In-School Suspension and suspension of the student's school network account for 20 school days. Parent/Caregiver Notification.

Third Offense: 2-3 days In-School Suspension and the student's school network and the suspension of the school's network account for 40 days. Parent/Caregiver Notification.

Electronic Devices

The Board of Education recognizes technology is always changing and as a result of increased accessibility to technology many pupils possess technology devices for their use during non-school hours. These privately-owned (BYOD) devices may be beneficial to pupils during school hours for approved educational purposes.

The use of privately-owned technology (BYOD) by a pupil in the educational program during the school day must be approved by the pupil's parent or legal guardian and the school teaching staff member responsible for supervising and/or providing the pupil's instructional program.

A teaching staff member may approve a pupil's use of privately-owned technology based on the assignment to the pupil. The teaching staff member may also prohibit the use of privately-owned technology for an assignment.

Any use of privately-owned technology by a pupil shall be in strict accordance with the teaching staff member's specific approval and Board policies and regulations. Any violation will subject the pupil to appropriate discipline and/or grading consequences, and the privately-owned device(s) in violation may be confiscated.

Use and activation of cell phones and other electronic devices for reasons other than instruction is prohibited during school hours. Devices include, but are not limited to:

  • Cell phones
  • MP3 players
  • Tablets
  • Video game devices
  • Electronic accessories - ear buds, blue tooth, headphones, etc.

Permission for use and/or activation will be granted by the classroom teacher on a case-by-case basis. Devices not in use shall be silenced and stored safely out of sight.

Devices used and/or activated in violation of this policy will be confiscated.

Inappropriate Use of Cell Phone or Electronic Devices

Inappropriate use of cell phone or electronic devices is defined as: photos, video, or audio of classmates and/or teachers taken without their consent. This activity is strictly prohibited. Engaging in any of these actions is deemed a serious offense and may lead to police notification.

The school district shall assume no responsibility for the security of or damage to any privately-owned technology brought to school by a pupil. Pupils are encouraged to purchase private insurance for loss, damage, or theft of any privately-owned technology the pupil brings to school.

Penalties for use of Electronic Devices for Other than Instruction

  • 1st Occurrence: Device confiscated by Security, turned into administration until the end of the day
  • 2nd Occurrence: Device confiscated by Security, turned into administration until the end of the day, must be picked up by parent or caregiver.
  • 3rd Occurrence: Device confiscated by Security, turned into administration and must be picked up by parent/caregiver; In-School Suspension for 1 Day.
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