21st Century Skills

Students the world over are caught in an immense and potentially confusing hi-tech revolution, one that promises information superhighways on the one hand and astounds them with the reality of magnetically levitated motion on the other. Exciting as this technology explosion is, the department staff members are constantly seeking improved ways to prepare students for the challenges they will face regardless of their chosen career path.

The goal of the department is to guide students toward discovering the excitement and promise of technology while preparing them to competently apply various technologies in their present and future lives. The curriculum is designed to strengthen the students" skills in team cooperation and decision-making, critical thinking, logical reasoning, troubleshooting, problem-solving, and independent learning.

In addition to developing measurable skills and knowledge in a variety of areas, the curriculum integrates reading, listening, viewing, writing, career exploration and hands-on activities to stimulate greater understanding and retention of material. Each program reinforces academic skills in mathematics, language arts and science by demonstrating to the student how these skills are necessary to solve real life situations both personal and career-wise.

Course Offerings:

Course Syllabi


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