Center for Social Justice

The Center for Social Justice (CSJ) is a three-year English and History interdisciplinary program with a strong emphasis on the impact that social movements have had on the development of history, humanities, literature, and the arts.

CSJ is based upon the Small Learning Community (SLC) model, where you build close working relationships with staff and fellow students. You actively engage in a curriculum that focuses on the theme of social justice and use your knowledge to promote issues of social activism within your own community.

You can choose to take your History and English courses on a variety of levels. Instruction includes study skills, time-management guidance, critical thinking, expository writing, and research methods. English and History classes are conducted in a two-period block on alternating days.

In addition, CSJ has a Research, Inquiry, and Action Lab which meets one period each day. This lab period is an introduction to understanding issues of social diversity and social justice in the United States. It provides you with a theoretical framework for understanding different forms of oppression and a method to explore how specific forms of oppression affect your own life. This active-participation seminar ends each unit with a Public Display of Learning based on a specific issue of injustice.

In CSJ you perform 25 hours of community service each year. You may design your own service project or take advantage of existing organizations that perform local services. You will receive the following credits per year: 5 for English, 5 for History, and 5 for Honors Social Justice Research Inquiry and Action Lab. After 3 years in the Center you will fulfill the following requirements for graduation: Practical Arts, Financial Literacy.

Course Offerings:

Course Syllabi


  • Mr. Reginald Clark, Assistant Principal, Team II 973-509-4100
  • Mr. Jeffrey Gannon, Assistant Principal, Team III 973-509-4100

Lead Teachers:

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