Drug and Alcohol Policy

There are two distinct categories in which an MHS student's involvement with chemical use requires a response: a pattern of use, and an event.

Pattern of Behaviors

Please refer any student who exhibits behaviors that indicate the student may be involved in the use, abuse, and/ or sale of illicit substances and alcohol. If you recognize a pattern of behaviors or other indicators, which lead you over time to have concerns that a student might be involved with substance use, please speak with one of the MHS Student Assistance Counselors (SACs).

Some major warning signs of chemical use include:

  • Decreased interest in activities, negative attitude, drop in grades, multiple absences, truancy, and discipline problems.
  • Peer group is involved with drugs and alcohol, legal problems. Dramatic change in appearance.
  • Personality changes, sudden mood changes, irritability, low self-esteem, poor judgment, depression, and withdrawal.

An Event

If you suspect that a student is currently under the influence, this is an Event and must be reported immediately to a school administrator. This is considered a medical emergency. The school nurse will check the student's vital signs, and the student will then be examined by a medical doctor. When the doctor confirms that the student is safe to return to school, he or she may come back. An SAC will meet with the student and refer for further intervention and treatment as needed.

Any student suspected of being under the influence must be immediately reported to an Administrator.

What should I do if I suspect a student in my class is under the influence?

  1. Call the main office and request a security guard escort the student to the nurse.
  2. Notify the Team administrator.
  3. Complete a Reasonable Cause to Suspect form and give it to the security guard to bring to the nurse.

Do not wait until the student has left your classroom.

What happens next?

  1. The student's vitals are taken by the nurse
  2. An administrator contacts the student's parent/ guardian.
  3. The student is taken to a medical doctor for a medical examination and chemical screen.
  4. The student may return to school once a medical examination has been completed and the return is deemed safe.
  5. The SAC follows up with the student and their parent/ guardian.

Staff members are protected by a "Hold Harmless Clause." Staff members are released from liability for reporting students suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs (NJSA 18A:40A-13).

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