College Visits & Programs

College Rep Visits at MHS

To attend an information session with a college representative during the fall at Montclair High School you can . A complete calendar of visits is available in Naviance.

  1. Log into your Naviance Account (if you need your login information, please see your team secretary or guidance counselor).

  2. Click on the Colleges Tab.

  3. Click on "view all upcoming college visits"

  4. Sign Up for college visits. Naviance will only allow you to sign up for 5 visits total. Please be selective in choosing which colleges rep visits you wish to attend.

  5. Print a copy of your Naviance confirmation and have your teacher sign it. Bring the signed confirmation page to the college presentation.

Student Visits to Colleges

Juniors and seniors are permitted up to three excused absences to visit colleges each year. To have absences excused, students must obtain proof of a visit from the college admissions department, which usually comes in the form of a note on the admissions department's letterhead. Students must then submit the letter to the MHS main office to have the absence(s) excused.

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