STEM Academy

The MHS STEM Academy offers an educational choice for academically able and motivated students interested in rigorous and relevant studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The MHS STEM courses are designed so that students have the opportunity to develop multi-cultural relationships within teams to solve problems collaboratively and to develop leadership skills. The curricula and course sequence not only improves the academic component of the students' lives, but also provides valuable life lessons that can be applied to solve tomorrow's problems in the real world.

The mission of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Academy at Montclair High School is to integrate a broad exposure to the field of engineering and technology with a balanced high school experience, and to prepare those with the aptitude and passion to pursue post-secondary education and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The STEM Academy is designed to help students realize their potential for success in related fields of engineering and technology by encouraging the development of 21st century skills, and by providing them with a head start at previewing STEM- related post-secondary educational institutions.

MHS STEM Academy students will:

  • Use advanced technology and equipment in their STEM courses
  • Investigate a wide variety of STEM related fields such as robotics, biotechnology, renewable energy and sustainable living, assistive technologies, structural engineering, biomechanical engineering, computer science and many more.
  • Interact with professional scientists and engineers through the MHS STEM lecture series.
  • In the future, collaborate with local businesses and industry through job shadows and internships.
  • Develop 21st century high tech communication skills
  • Develop and broaden presentation and workplace skills
  • Possess international awareness and perspectives
  • Develop a global social consciousness
  • Foster a commitment to lifelong learning

STEM Administrator:

TBD, Assistant Principal

STEM Team:

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