Social Studies

The Social Studies Department at MHS has a rich tradition in providing unique, challenging, and meaningful courses for the diverse needs of the Montclair High School community. The Department has been on the cutting edge in developing the Small Learning Community and has been a leader in developing innovated curriculum and instruction.

The Social Studies faculty places an emphasis on best practices including project-based learning, authentic assessments, interdisciplinary instruction, and the use of technology. You are encouraged to engage in problem solving methods and decision making activities that will provide you with tools to address the complex issues you will face in the future. Differentiated instruction is emphasized, where you may take courses for honors or high honors credit.

Traditionally, the Social Studies Department has been not only the source of an excellent array of course selections, but also the foundation of a number of state and nationally ranked extracurricular programs such as Model UN, Mock Trial, and Fed Challenge.

You are required to take three years of History for graduation: one year of Global Studies, and two years of American History. You may satisfy the US History requirements with US I and II or CGI or Social Justice, in addition to several semester courses offered in your junior year.

There are a host of electives to choose from including: African American History, Economics, Law, Cultural Pluralism, Women of the World, Modern European and World History – AP, Holocaust, Genocide, and Modern Humanity.

Course Offerings:

Course Syllabi


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