New Jersey Administrative Code requires all children entering Grade 6 in September 2022 be in compliance with the following vaccinations:
Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis Vaccine (Tdap)
All incoming 6th grade students are required to have a booster of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Tdap) vaccine prior to September 1, 2022.
Meningococcal Vaccine (MCV4)
All incoming 6th grade students who have had their 11th birthday, must have one dose of Meningococcal vaccine prior to September 1, 2022. *Vaccines given prior to the 10th birthday will not be accepted.
There will be no grace period for New Jersey residents who have reached the age of 11 by August 6, 2022. Students must have documentation of these vaccinations submitted to the school nurse prior to the first day of school.
Students with birthdates of August 7-December 30 must submit documentation of receiving these immunizations within 30 days of their 11th birthday. Failure to submit documentation of immunizations may result in exclusion from the first day of school in September 2022.
All documentation should be sent to your child’s elementary school nurse as soon as your child has received his/her booster shots. Please keep a copy of these immunizations for your records. Vaccinations are available at the Montclair Health Department for children without insurance or those who have Medicaid or FamilyCare A.
You may call the Health Department at 973-509-4975 for information and an appointment.
Please call the Office of Nursing Services at 973-509-4000 ext. 50406 with any questions you may have.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.