Targeted Assist vs. Schoolwide

Differences between Targeted-Assistance and Schoolwide Title I Programming

Targeted Assistance Both Schoolwide
Student identification is made that renders them eligible or ineligible for services. Students identified as most at risk of not meeting state academic standards are served.   All students can receive additional services. No student identification is made that renders them eligible or ineligible for services. Students identified as most at risk are given additional assistance.
    Plan must be based on a comprehensive needs assessment.
  Plans and programs employed must be based on scientifically-based research and must strengthen the core academic program of the school.  
Program targets resources only to those students most at-risk academically in reading and/or math. Program promotes improved instruction for all students and constitutes comprehensive school reform professional development. Professional development must be aligned with Title I program goals. Title I funds are used to provide professional development for all staff to support all students.
The program is not contingent on school's poverty rate.   Unless a waiver is granted, only schools with a poverty rate of 40% or more may operate a schoolwide program.
Title I funds are used to support additional instruction. School must provide additional learning time for students who have been identified as most at risk of not meeting reading and/or math standards. Title I funds may be merged with Federal, State, and local funds to support additional instruction.
Careful accounting must show that funds otherwise received from non-Title I sources are not replaced with Title I funds.   Districts must show that overall the level of educational services is higher in schools with Title I funds than services would be without federal money. Schoolwide plan must align with budget expenditures.
Students are to be pulled from the regular educational setting as little as possible. After-school and summer classes should be considered.   Since the program serves all students, there may be a need to pull students from the regular educational setting to receive the benefits of the federal money, but pull-out should be as minimal as possible.
Ongoing progress-monitoring must be in place to identify students most at-risk and eligible for services. Ongoing monitoring of student progress is necessary to determine intervention program modifications. A comprehensive needs assessment helps identify how services will be delivered. Teachers are involved in analysis of academic assessments.
Title I services are a part of the overall school planning process and are considered whenever new school plans are developed.   A formal and comprehensive plan must be developed for each school on a schoolwide plan, outlining how both school and Title I resources will be used to meet the identified needs.
  Plan must coordinate and integrate Federal, State, and local services and programs.  
Parents must be notified of students' eligibility for Title I services   No parent notification of additional services to students is necessary.
Title I teachers and paraprofessionals must be highly qualified.   All content teachers and paraprofessionals, including Special Education staff, must be highly qualified.
  Emphasis is placed on parental involvement and family literacy. Parent School Policy/ Compact must be developed. Parents are involved in plan development, revision, and review.
  Program must facilitate transition from early-childhood programs to school.  
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