

The following methods allow Watchung administrators and staff to communicate effectively with families and provide information about classroom and school events!

      Genesis-Parent Access – Parent Access is a component of Genesis — our student information system. It allows us to provide you with a safe and secure way to view academic information about your children in one portal via the Internet. ALL parents and guardians must maintain up to date profile information. Please visit our district website to explore further. (

      Watchung Weekly Newsletter— An email will be e-blasted out to families once a week , which contains information regarding upcoming student activities,  school/district events and PTA updates.  

 Watchung School’s Website—School related and district information can be located on our site, which is updated regularly. Please visit

      Email “Blasts”—We are a “Go Green” school, so please check your email for the updates from the school.

•.  Formal Teacher Conferences — There are both afternoon and evening conference times available to you—the dates are listed on our master calendar.

     Informal Teacher Conferences—The faculty at Watchung is committed to working with you to help your child succeed. Please call or send an email to discuss any questions or concerns. Please do not “pop‐in” to chat with your child’s teacher or approach the teacher at drop-off.  They are anxious to help you but are busy working with children and will reach out to you as soon as they are free.

     Automated Attendance Messages—You will receive an automated call from the district system when your child is late and/or absent. These calls are made regardless of notes from home explaining the tardiness or the absence.

      Meeting with the PrincipalParents should always refer to the classroom teacher prior to contacting building administration. Classroom teachers know your child best and will have first-hand knowledge.   However, if you have a concern or suggestion that needs the attention of the principal, please send a note, email, or call the office. Appointments can be made through the school secretary—please be specific about the appointment request so that the principal can be best prepared to address your concerns.


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